Our Beliefs, Distinctives, and Values

Our Statement of Faith is what all members of Ignite Church believe. Our Distinctives reflect what distinguishes Ignite Church from other churches who would affirm the basic doctrines. Our Values are what we want to be true for the culture of our church.

Our Statement of Faith



The Bible is a compilation of God's unique revelation to people. As the inspired, infallible Word of God, it is the supreme and final authority on all matters upon which it teaches. There are not any other writings that are vested with such divine authority.



There is only one God, creator of heaven and earth, who exists eternally as three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each fully God yet each personally distinct from the other.



All people are created in God's image and matter deeply to Him. Central to the message of the Bible is that God loves people and invites them to live in communion with Himself and in community with each other.



Apart from Jesus Christ, all people are spiritually lost and, because of sin, deserve the judgment of God. However, God gives salvation and eternal life to anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ and in His sacrifice on his or her behalf. Salvation cannot be earned through personal goodness or human effort. It is a gift that must be received by humble repentance and faith in Christ and His finished work on the cross.



Jesus Christ, God's only son and the second Person of the Trinity, was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless human life, willingly took upon Himself all of our sins, died and rose again bodily, and is at the right hand of the Father as our advocate and mediator. Some day, He will return to consummate history and to fulfill the eternal plan of God.



The Holy Spirit, third Person of the Trinity, convicts the world of sin and draws people to Christ. He also indwells and baptizes all Christians at conversion. He is available to empower them to lead Christ-like lives, and gives them spiritual gifts with which to serve the church and reach out to a lost and needy world.



The local church is a congregation of believers who gather for worship, prayer, instruction, encouragement, mutual accountability, and community with each other. Through it, believers invest time, energy, and resources to fulfill the Great Commission; reaching lost people and growing them into fully devoted followers of Christ.



All Christians are members of the body of Christ, the one true church universal. Spiritual unity is to be expressed among Christians by acceptance and love of one another across ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, national, generational, gender, and denominational lines.



Death seals the eternal destiny of each person. At the final judgment, unbelievers will be separated from God into condemnation. Christians will be received into God's loving presence and rewarded for their faithfulness to Him in this life.



Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the two ordinances the Lord Jesus Christ has committed to the local church. We believe that the Lord's Supper was instituted by Christ for commemoration of His death. The only form of baptism we practice is believer's baptism by immersion. We believe that these two ordinances should be observed and administered until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.



The word comes from a Greek word meaning “good news.” Evangelicals have four distinguishing marks: 1) biblicism—a high view of Scripture, seeing the Bible as God’s Word; 2) crucicentrism—a focus on Christ’s atoning death on the cross; 3) conversionism—a focus on the new birth and belief that sinful humanity must be converted; 4) activism—living out the gospel in works.


We believe in the authority of Scripture as the final rule of all faith and Christian living. Baptism is reserved for believers, and is done by immersion into water as the entry point into membership. Further, Baptists maintain the autonomy of the local church and the authority to govern her own affairs.


We believe men and women are created in the image of God, and are therefore of equal dignity, value, and worth. As part of God’s good created order, men and women are to have different yet complementary roles and responsibilities in the home and church. As it relates to the church, men and women are both expected to lead; however, the office of elder is reserved for qualified men (1 Tim. 3; Titus 1).

Regeneration and Faith

We believe divine sovereignty and human responsibility are complementary truths taught in Scripture. Man cannot free himself from his bondage to sin (Eph. 2:1–3). Therefore, God must first initiate salvation in the heart of man. We are then responsible for responding in the faith that is supplied by God’s grace (Eph. 2:8–9). Regeneration precedes faith.

Spiritual Gifts

The Holy Spirit equips every believer with spiritual gifts for the building up of the church (1 Peter 4:10). Gifts are sovereignly bestowed and corporate in nature (1 Cor. 12:11). No one person possesses all gifts, which is why it is crucial that believers come together and use their gifts for the good of the whole. Spiritual gifts do not necessarily indicate spiritual maturity. The New Testament instead emphasizes spiritual fruit as the indicator of a mature believer (Gal. 5:22–23; Col. 3:12–17).


We believe the family is the foundational community to make disciples. We also believe that every family should be connected into the larger family of a local church. Our desire is to see all family members of all ages be connected to one another and the church.

Core Values

Gospel: Sharing the Good News of Jesus

The Gospel is the Good News of Jesus’ sinless life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection.1 Christ’s work in the Gospel accomplished forgiveness of sin,2 eternal life,3 satisfaction of divine wrath,4 a righteousness credited to us,5 reconciliation to God 6—among many other benefits. The Gospel calls us to respond in faith and repentance7, evidenced by a transformed life of obedience.8

Since the Gospel is Good News, it ought to be shared with as many people as possible. Jesus likens those who share the Gospel to a farmer who scatters seed wide and far, anticipating an abundant harvest.9 It’s the Church’s great privilege to not only receive the Gospel by faith but also share it with others. At Ignite, the Gospel informs everything we do. It’s our foundation for building and house for living.

1: 1 Cor. 15:1–3; 2: Matt. 26:28; 3: Rom. 6:23; 4: Rom. 3:25; 5: 2 Cor. 5:21; 6: Rom. 5:10; 7: Mark 1:15; 8: 1 Thess. 1:5; 9: Matt. 13:3–9.

Discipleship: Becoming like Jesus

Ignite’s vision is to advance the kingdom of God by making strong disciples. The call to discipleship comes from our Lord Himself. In Matthew 28:18–20, Jesus called the Church to “make disciples of all nations.” From the Church’s earliest days, discipleship has been the priority.1 We realize that if we fail to make disciples, we fail as a church. As such, our ministry priorities share the aim of making men and women mature, obedient followers of Christ. We want our people to be the strongest disciples possible in order to make the greatest impact imaginable.

1: See Acts 2:42–47; 1 Cor. 11:1; Eph. 4:15; Heb. 6:1.

Excellence: Doing our best for Jesus

We serve an excellent God. Scripture is filled with examples of God—and God’s people—working with excellence. Consider a few of them. God placed Adam in a well-watered, fruitful garden.1 The psalmist saw beauty in God’s creation.2 Israel constructed both the tabernacle and the temple with painstaking precision and with an eye toward its design.3 Israel’s worship leaders played their instruments skillfully.4 And we are told that the new Jerusalem for God’s people will be replete with magnificence.5 With this pattern in mind, our church strives to do our best for Jesus. The value of excellence informs even our ministry philosophy. We strategically have four ministry priorities: Worship Services, Groups, Outreach, and Multiplication. We focus on a few key ministries and strive to do them with excellence. To borrow Paul’s expression, we wish to “do all to the glory of God.”6

1: Gen. 2:5–10; 2: Ps. 8:3; 3: Ex. 35:4—40:33; 1 Ki. 6:1–38; 4: Ps. 33:3; 5: Rev. 21:9–27; 6: 1 Cor. 10:31.

Generosity: Giving our best to Jesus

At Ignite, we encourage our people to pool their kingdom resources so that we can do kingdom work. We simply could not do the work of the ministry without our people’s faithful giving. Generosity—that is, giving of our time, talent, and treasure—is a Christian’s distinctive mark and joyful privilege. We give freely, for God has lavished His mercy freely on us.1 We also give generously, because our resources belong ultimately to our Creator. We are stewards, called to be faithful with what God has given us.2 And finally, we give obediently—not under compulsion, but out of a desire to glorify Christ.3

1: Eph. 1:8; 2: Matt. 25:14-30; 3: 2 Cor. 9:7.